Arne och IngaBritt Lundberg

IngaBritt och Arne Lundbergs Forskningsstiftelse

Merchant Arne Lundberg was born in Gothenburg on December 23, 1910. In 1929, he secured a position with the company Malmsten & Bergvall, where he subsequently became a partner. In 1965, he was appointed CEO of AB Fortia, the parent company of Pharmacia AB. He also sat on a number of boards, including Adaco AB, where he was chairman, Pharmacia AB, Säfveåns AB, Återförsäkrings AB Skandia and the Gothenburg Chamber of Commerce. Arne Lundberg died in 1973.

To honour the memory of Arne Lundberg, his wife, IngaBritt Lundberg, donated the Foundation capital by deed of gift on September 28, 1982. In 1995, IngaBritt Lundberg was made an Honorary Doctor of Medicine at Sahlgrenska Academy. She died on June 6, 1999 and in her will she bequeathed further capital for the Foundation.

The Foundation has its registered office in Gothenburg.


Here you can download a PDF file (in Swedish) for further reading of the interesting history behind Inga Britt and Arne Lundberg Research Foundation.

The purpose of the Foundation

According to Section 3, paragraph 1 of the Foundation Statutes (PDF – in Swedish only): “The purpose of the Foundation is to promote scientific medical research, mainly dealing with cancer, renal disease and orthopaedics.”

About the Foundation’s grants

As a rule, the Foundation’s grants over the years have been awarded to major projects that are considered to be essential to the future development of the areas for which the Foundation was established. Normally, grants are not awarded for project funding. Priority is given to grants for the purchase of instruments, aids and equipment. .