Göran Stenman

Göran Stenman, professor of Pathology at the Sahlgrenska Academy. He is Director of the newly formed Sahlgrenska University Cancer Center, where Lundberg Laboratory for Cancer Research are included. NOTEThis article is machine translated from Swedish.

Fifteen research groups with hundreds of cancer researchers are in the process of moving all or part of their activities in an on-and newly rebuilt House on medical student mountain in Gothenburg. Without the money from Lundbergs’ Research Foundation we would not have been able to achieve what we are doing, hitting professor Göran Stenman fixed.

In the past, cancer researchers have been scattered at Sahlgrenska University Hospital and Medics mountain. Benefits of the new Centre is that they can create a creative research environment with competences in the field of a dozen cancer field. Leading scientists and young PhD students and postdocs are sitting together and can coexist if the equipment is located on five floors.

— When we now brings together cancer research and can work together in well-equipped laboratories, we hope on synergies. It is also essential that we gather forces to operate internationally competitive research in Gothenburg, said Goran Stenman and begins with a quick tour around two of the floors.

The labs are many, some very spacious and equipped with advanced apparatus and microscope. This particular day, however, it is rather deserted, most scientists are at a seminar.
— By removing walls we blurs physical boundaries between our groups. Here in our largest Labs we are forced to share the equipment and space, I think that is a good thing. A good environment affect us — and our research results.
The three million that Göran Stenman teams received grants 2010 by Lundberg’s Research Foundation will be a contribution to everyone in dog frame anna team, in the form of molecular genetic equipment and another Microsoft.
All equipment purchased in previous years for million grant from the Foundation have already been moved to the House on medical student Street, which is part of the Sahlgrenska Academy at Göteborg University. The autumn expect Göran to all teams have moved in and then there will be the opening party.

Göran Stenman own research involves finding new cancer genes, called fusionsonkogener, which only occurs in cancer cells. It is known since the 1990s that lies behind the formation of tumors. Nearly 400 fusionsonkogener are known today and he has notched more than a dozen of these.
— I’ve found them in tumors of the breast, neck, head, skin and soft tissues. Fourteen years ago, he and Mr Ulf Smith Lundberg Medal of the Foundation for its data on newly discovered cancer genes, published in Nature in 1997.
— We are still looking for new fusionsonkogener. There are a lot of combinations in a tumor when they arise by parts of the two genes into a completely new gene. Interesting is that the merged genes are often specific to a particular type of tumor. They can therefore be used as biomarkers for the diagnosis, prognosis and the development of new cancer treatments such as gene MYB-NFIB we have just found, says Göran Stenman when he settled in his room on the fifth floor.

The room has a glass wall with sliding door to the corridor, as well as all the rooms in the House, which contributes to the feeling of openness and community. All closets are bortbyggda.

His research has obviously been pushed into the background a bit during this intensive flyttår, with all the decisions that need to be taken of him researching the building’s Superintendent.

George began working as a researcher and oralpatolog in 1977, received his doctorate degree six years later and is a professor in both the medical genetics and pathology. He never tire in their area of research.
— Pathology is an exciting field that includes most of the time. I like to combine clinic job with research in an important area. Today more than half are cured of cancer cases. Hopefully, we can treat and cure even more in twenty years. But I do not believe in the ultimate breakthrough that solves the mystery. There are so many causes of cancer.

Although it is not possible to cure the severe cases he thinks scientific findings to help more people can receive treatment and live a decent life with his tumor disease, as well as a diabetics and others with chronic illnesses do today.

Gothenburg cancer research will gather under one roof