Heiko Herwald, professor at the Division of infectious diseases, University of Lund, find biomarkers for earlier diagnosis, before symptoms are fully developed for sepsis. NOTE – This article is machine translated from Swedish.
From jelly without function to the key player in inflammation and cancer
Malin Johansson, a researcher at the Department of Medical Biochemistry and cell biology, Sahlgrenska Academy, studying tarmmukus at ranging from biochemical level to how the interaction works in all biological systems. NOTE – This article is machine translated from Swedish.
Quick weight change can give valuable information about osteoporosis
Mattias Lorentzon, a professor in the Department of internal medicine and clinical nutrition, Sahlgrenska Academy, studying bone microstructure among various groups to determine the impact of adipose tissue can have on the development of osteoporosis. NOTE – This article is machine translated from Swedish.